startups and code

Catching up on life...

Back to home

Hey all, it's been a very long month since I wrote last... Susie had her birthday and we went to NYC. We attended a wedding between Juan and Donald, saw Annie, had amazing sushi, went to FAO Schwartz, time square, Central Park, radio city christmas spectacular, and that was in a weekend. Since then, work has been busy, and we had my parents came to visit for Christmas, the following day Susie's dad was admitted to ICU for liver failure... We went down to help and her dad was admitted to hospice. He has since been released to home care. Susie is back home, her dad is home, my brother got in a car accident to pick her up, he is ok too. It has been a busy, emotional month.

Back on the tech side of things, I have been doing Wordpress and PHP development at home. You can check out Susie's new site at I did not make that theme, but tweaked it a little for her needs. I really enjoy doing that stuff. UI is very important to me and I love doing it. If you can make something easy to use and elegant, then people will use it. We try to market bad products rather than make a simple product that just works.

Life is good today,going to the Falcons/Seahawks game. Go Hawks...