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Sky is the limit

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The sky is the limit for us but we don't always realize how easy it is to accomplish things.  We talk about losing weight, exercising more, and saving more.  However the end of the year happens and we don't come close to our goals.  Pick simple goals to get started.  I'm not going to commit to running everyday, but I'll walk/run once a week.  If I do that for a month, then I'll try twice a week.  I want to write more because I love writing.  But how to get started, by doing it.  I like to get ready to get ready to get ready...  I want a perfect desk and laptop, so I can blog the way I think I need to blog.  I'm sitting here right now blogging from my phone.  I don't need a laptop or a great desk.  The things I think I need are not usually a need, but a want that I can justify.  So with the new year approaching, I'm going to take more pictures, at least one a week, and write once a week.  Not every Saturday morning from 7 to 8am, but when I can.  Just me sharing my ideas.

Thanks for stopping by.  :-)