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Writing again...

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Hey All,

There is a lot to write about every day... I never realized how much life presents for topics.  I could write about work, about people, about marriage, about friends, about sports, about soccer (Go USA), about bad TV, about good TV (does that really exist?), etc...

I am more focused on just writing on a regular basis... a stream of consciousness... a just emptying of my brain... there are some topics I can't write about which is frustrating at times... I love that people follow my blog, but what is funny is people from work follow my blog... so if I write about crossfit then certain people will bring it up the next day at work... if I write about some technology, then another group of people bring it up... but sometimes I just want to write... I guess the most important thing to write is this... know your audience... and who is your audience... and what is your topic...

I know that I'm just babbling right now, but I love to write... I love to express myself... it is through words... I love to communicate... and it will take me some time to figure out my writing style... but one thing I learned is this... the more you write the better you will get.

A good friend of mine told me once that if you want be good at jiujitsu, you do jiujitsu... if you want to be a good runner, you run.  You don't get smarter by doing pushups.  You need to practice what you want to get better at.  Here I am writing... babbling... etc... just to get it out...

I'm sure I'll have a topic over time... but right now... I write.  No comment needed.

